• How to Pay Your Sales Force

    Motivating people Magazine Article
    Using the results of a survey of 380 companies in 34 industries, this author examines three basic types of compensation plans: salary, commission, and combination (salary plus commission). Most companies in the study favored a combination plan, but such plans have some disadvantages to offset their obvious attractiveness. The author sets out the possible reasons […]
  • How Sales Reps Can Succeed in the Social Era

    Customer service Digital Article
    The best stay attuned to their customers’ signals in the social graph.
  • How Companies Should Play the Olympics

    Marketing Digital Article
    Normally, the Olympic Games are a positive force in marketing. Worldwide marketing expenditures increase as official sponsors and unofficial free-riders attach themselves to the Olympic logo, to particular sports, national teams or individual athletes. Global brands, in particular, see the Olympics and World Cup soccer as the two most important international sporting events; brand linkage […]
  • Asia’s Key New Segment: Powerful, Professional Women

    International business Digital Article
    Career-oriented women are increasingly flexing their spending muscle. Here’s how companies can reach these “Golden Misses.”
  • How E-Commerce Will Trump Brand Management

    Marketing Magazine Article
    The Internet promises to give marketing the same boost in productivity that new operational strategies have given to manufacturing.
  • Where Does the Customer Fit in a Service Operation?

    Organizational restructuring Magazine Article
    While management skills can improve service systems, a manager is better off if he or she first has a clear understanding of the operating characteristics that set one service system apart from another. This author offers one view of services, which, if followed, results in a “rational approach to the rationalization” of services. His view, […]
  • 3 Strategies to Boost Sales and Marketing Productivity

    Sales & Marketing Digital Article
    New research from Bain shows what the most productive companies do differently.
  • Are You Paying Enough Attention to Your Sales Force?

    Sales and marketing Digital Article
    A little TLC could yield big results.
  • The Globe: Let Emerging Market Customers Be Your Teachers

    Emerging markets Magazine Article
    You can learn a lot about consumer marketing in the developing world by looking at how retailers engage with shoppers.
  • What High-Tech Managers Need to Know About Brands

    IT management Magazine Article
    Brands are not just names slapped on products by the marketing department; they embody the value those products have for your customers. That may be more true for high-tech products than it is for soap.
  • Industrial Pricing to Meet Customer Needs

    Marketing Magazine Article
    When a customer buys a product he or she goes through a complex process of balancing the price of the product against the perceived benefits, costs, risks, and value in use of the product. If the customer thinks this way when analyzing a purchase, say these authors, it makes great sense for marketers to set […]
  • The Best Way to Name a New Product

    Sales & Marketing Magazine Article
    When an established consumer-packaged-goods (CPG) company introduces a new product, it faces a potentially make-or-break decision: how to brand it. Tying...
  • Expose Your Company’s Blind Spots

    Customer experience Digital Article
    Is your company unintentionally keeping your most senior people from getting the feedback they most need? It can easily happen as an unintended consequence of success. Consider these situations: Senior executives at car companies drive only the newest models: For decades, the top executives at America’s leading automobile manufacturers always drove models fresh from the […]
  • The Off-Line Impact of Online Ads

    Marketing Digital Article
    This item also appears in the April, 2008 issue of Harvard Business Review. The internet is widely considered the most measurable of advertising media, but those easily tracked click-throughs and e-commerce sales don’t tell the whole story. Far from it. Internet advertising stimulates off-line sales, too — in most cases, our firm finds that online […]
  • 5 Ways Marketing Leaders Can Drive More Value in 2022

    Sales & Marketing Digital Article
    Marketers must claim the broader growth agenda, connecting the dots across data, digital, and the full customer journey.
  • Rethinking Country Brands in an Age of Climate Change

    Sustainable business practices Digital Article
    In this era of globalization, countries find themselves increasingly competing with each other for a share of trade, investment, and tourism. Country brands provide an opportunity for creativity and differentiation: Spain, India and New Zealand, for example, all successfully built brands that greatly boosted local tourism. Moving forward, country brands — just like corporate brands […]
  • How to Convince Your Sales Team to Adopt a Subscription Model

    Sales & Marketing Digital Article
    Nearly 90% of subscription businesses are stable or growing right now.
  • Retailing: Confronting the Challenges That Face Bricks-and-Mortar Stores

    Technology and analytics Magazine Article
    New technologies can be dazzling. But do they represent the future of retailing? Have the fundamentals really changed?
  • Making Money Through Marketing

    Marketing Magazine Article
    The author of this article says he would be the last one to argue that the approach described here is a complete view of marketing. Then again, he is convinced that the approach enables marketers to achieve three important objectives. First, it enables them to identify the markets in which their companies have the best […]
  • Beware the Pitfalls of Global Marketing

    Marketing Magazine Article
    It’s fashionable today to enthuse over globalized markets and cite glowing examples of standardized marketing winners around the world. True, some markets are globalizing, and more companies are taking advantage of them with signal success. But the rosy reports of these triumphs usually neglect to mention the complexities and risks involved; for every victory in […]