Business administration and support services

  • Shrinking Fast and Smart in the Defense Industry

    Government Magazine Article
    Author’s note: Alistair Hanna, Michael Reopel, and Stuart Flack, all of McKinsey & Company, contributed to this article. The U.S. defense industry is struggling to reorganize itself for growth, if not for survival. The disappearance of the communist threat and the desperate need to revive the U.S. economy have taken the defense industry for a […]
  • A Blueprint for Financial Reconstruction

    Government policy and regulation Magazine Article
    America’s banking crisis presents choices both perilous and promising. Perilous, because the failure to act intelligently will lead to the most serious economic collapse since the Great Depression. As much as 25% of the U.S. banking system—representing assets of more than $750 billion—has begun to post such massive loan losses that it must focus on […]
  • Don’t Assume the Shoe Fits

    Corporate social responsibility Magazine Article
    Most businesspeople will serve on the board of a nonprofit organization at some point. But the governance of nonprofits can differ dramatically from the governance of businesses. Even the best intentions can prove disastrous when new board members fail to understand that their traditional business experience can carry them only so far.
  • The Staying Power of the Public Corporation

    Finance and investing Magazine Article
    Reports of the “eclipse of the public corporation” underestimate its institutional staying power and unique capacity for renewal. In his recent HBR article, Michael C. Jensen, a distinguished scholar of corporate finance and governance, argues for a revolution in the structure of ownership and control in the U.S. economy.1 I share many of his criticisms […]
  • Pioneering entrepreneur Yoshiko Shinohara on turning temporary work into big business in Japan

    Gender Magazine Article
    At age 74, Yoshiko Shinohara is a towering figure in Japanese business. She has created a wealth of job opportunities, including many for women, by founding the temporary-staffing agency Tempstaff and lobbying to strike down laws that stifled the temp industry. Tempstaff now has approximately 3,300 employees and is a public company. For the past […]
  • Who Is Them?

    Global strategy Magazine Article
    “We” are seated at a negotiating table. “They” are seated across from us. The outcome of these talks will shape America’s future competitiveness and economic well-being. But “us” is not necessarily companies based in the United States. “Them” is not foreign nations. Rather, us is the people—most prominently, the work force—of the United States. And […]
  • Effective Public Management

    Strategic planning Magazine Article
    Political scientists, legislators, educators, business executives, lawyers, consumerists—practically everyone, it sometimes seems—is calling for better public management. For businessmen, the need is especially important because they feel surrounded by government institutions with which they are legally required to interact. But enthusiasm for good government is one thing; understanding the nature of it, to say nothing […]
  • The Quality Improvement Customers Didn’t Want

    Supply chain management Magazine Article
    A high-tech reception system will make life easier for Quality Care’s staff, but what about its customers?
  • Can Patients Drive the Future of Health Care?

    IT management Magazine Article
    Patients are becoming more demanding consumers. But the medical industry isn’t just another business.
  • Crucible: Forced to Shut Down

    Crisis management Magazine Article
    What a Chinese travel entrepreneur learned from the SARS crisis and its aftermath
  • How to Implement a New Strategy Without Disrupting Your Organization

    Change management Magazine Article
    Strategic dreams often turn into nightmares if companies start engaging in expensive and distracting restructurings. It’s far more effective to choose a design that works reasonably well, then develop a strategic system to tune the structure to the strategy.
  • The Tourism Time Bomb

    Marketing Magazine Article
    International travel is no longer the exclusive province of the rich. Over the next several decades, hundreds of millions of new entrants to the middle class will want not only the things—but also the experiences—that money can buy. Indian call-center employees, Russian petrochemical engineers, Chinese middle managers, and Brazilian salespeople are already scouring the web […]
  • The Unexpected Benefits of Sarbanes-Oxley

    Finance and investing Magazine Article
    A few smart companies have stopped complaining about Sarbanes-Oxley, the investor-protection law, and turned it to their advantage—bringing operations under better control while driving down compliance costs.
  • Change Through Persuasion

    Business communication Magazine Article
    Leaders can make change happen only if they have a coherent strategy for persuasion. The impressive turnaround at a world-renowned teaching hospital shows how to plan a change campaign—and carry it out.
  • British Privatization—Taking Capitalism to the People

    Economics Magazine Article
    The worldwide collapse of state socialism has created a new inevitability—the rise of free economic institutions. The question facing nations around the world is no longer whether to introduce or expand the practice of capitalism but only how to do it. While there is no blueprint for transforming a command economy into a free one, […]
  • When Outsourcing Goes Awry

    Negotiation strategies Magazine Article
    The physicians enjoy working at Regional Medical Center. So why are they about to walk off the job?
  • Eclipse of the Public Corporation

    IPOs Magazine Article
    New organizations are emerging in its place—organizations that are corporate in form but have no public shareholders and are not listed or traded on organized exchanges. These organizations use public and private debt, rather than public equity, as their major source of capital. Their primary owners are not households but large institutions and entrepreneurs that […]
  • Performance Appraisal Reappraised

    Government Magazine Article
    Some of the freshest ideas for evaluating employees are coming from an unexpected source: the public sector.
  • Second Thoughts On Going Public

    Corporate governance Magazine Article
    Whether, when, and how to take a family or individually owned company public are decisions that have faced a great many entrepreneurs. They have taken actions that have brought happiness and fulfillment to some and unhappiness to others. Perhaps people who are presently reflecting on such dilemmas can draw some useful thoughts from a study […]
  • The Case of the Unhealthy Hospital

    Decision making and problem solving Magazine Article
    Bruce Reid, Blake Memorial Hospital’s new CEO, rubbed his eyes and looked again at the 1992 budget worksheet. The more he played with the figures, the more pessimistic he became. Blake Memorial’s financial health was not good; it suffered from rising costs, static revenue, and declining quality of care. When the board hired Reid six […]
  • Shrinking Fast and Smart in the Defense Industry

    Government Magazine Article
    Author’s note: Alistair Hanna, Michael Reopel, and Stuart Flack, all of McKinsey & Company, contributed to this article. The U.S. defense industry is struggling to reorganize itself for growth, if not for survival. The disappearance of the communist threat and the desperate need to revive the U.S. economy have taken the defense industry for a […]
  • A Blueprint for Financial Reconstruction

    Government policy and regulation Magazine Article
    America’s banking crisis presents choices both perilous and promising. Perilous, because the failure to act intelligently will lead to the most serious economic collapse since the Great Depression. As much as 25% of the U.S. banking system—representing assets of more than $750 billion—has begun to post such massive loan losses that it must focus on […]
  • Don’t Assume the Shoe Fits

    Corporate social responsibility Magazine Article
    Most businesspeople will serve on the board of a nonprofit organization at some point. But the governance of nonprofits can differ dramatically from the governance of businesses. Even the best intentions can prove disastrous when new board members fail to understand that their traditional business experience can carry them only so far.
  • The Staying Power of the Public Corporation

    Finance and investing Magazine Article
    Reports of the “eclipse of the public corporation” underestimate its institutional staying power and unique capacity for renewal. In his recent HBR article, Michael C. Jensen, a distinguished scholar of corporate finance and governance, argues for a revolution in the structure of ownership and control in the U.S. economy.1 I share many of his criticisms […]
  • Pioneering entrepreneur Yoshiko Shinohara on turning temporary work into big business in Japan

    Gender Magazine Article
    At age 74, Yoshiko Shinohara is a towering figure in Japanese business. She has created a wealth of job opportunities, including many for women, by founding the temporary-staffing agency Tempstaff and lobbying to strike down laws that stifled the temp industry. Tempstaff now has approximately 3,300 employees and is a public company. For the past […]
  • Who Is Them?

    Global strategy Magazine Article
    “We” are seated at a negotiating table. “They” are seated across from us. The outcome of these talks will shape America’s future competitiveness and economic well-being. But “us” is not necessarily companies based in the United States. “Them” is not foreign nations. Rather, us is the people—most prominently, the work force—of the United States. And […]
  • Why Leaders Resist Empowering Virtual Teams

    Technology & Operations Digital Article
    Many leaders of remote teams feel overwhelmed and isolated. One solution is to adopt an empowering leadership style, which involves delegating to team...
  • Effective Public Management

    Strategic planning Magazine Article
    Political scientists, legislators, educators, business executives, lawyers, consumerists—practically everyone, it sometimes seems—is calling for better public management. For businessmen, the need is especially important because they feel surrounded by government institutions with which they are legally required to interact. But enthusiasm for good government is one thing; understanding the nature of it, to say nothing […]
  • Circulr: Creating Sustainable Value from an Empty Jar

    Management Case Study
    Circulr was a start-up that provided a solution for consumer waste by collecting used packaging, washing it, and selling it back to the original brand...
  • Rethinking Assumptions About How Employees Work

    Organizational Development Digital Article
    The post-pandemic era requires a mindset change about jobs and managerial expectations. These considerations will influence decisions on whether and when...