Women of color don’t need to be told to “lean in.” Research shows that the vast majority of them have confidence and ambition, determination and desire.
Women of Color Get Less Support at Work. Here’s How Managers Can Change That.
From hiring to feedback to exit interviews.
March 04, 2019
Women of color don’t need to be told to “lean in.” Research shows that the vast majority of them have confidence and ambition, determination and desire. What they don’t always have is managers who understand how to help them overcome all the obstacles that stand in their way. Organizational solutions are one thing; a truly supportive boss is another. There are six ways managers can help black, Latina and Asian women advance: by making the first move in social situations, giving credit where it’s due, not shying away from candid feedback, checking for bias in hiring and promotion, using exit interviews to ask those who have left why they did.