Trends in Digital Wealth Management with Forward Thinkers
1/29/25 11:00
User-Centered Screeners: Balancing Accessibility and Effectiveness
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UX & Design
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Custom Software Development
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Advanced Analytics
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Knowledge Graphs
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Artificial Intelligence
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Connected Technology Accelerators
Enabling existing telephony soft client to be FDC3 compliant, to work as a fully enabled Here™ Workspace for seamless integration of telephony across the desktop including Salesforce, Microsoft Teams and beyond.
See how Expero helped a Canadian bank enhance investment research with a modern, user-friendly, and accessible mutual fund screener.
Modernizing a complex technology stack to create a comprehensive, real-time fraud detetion, prevention and case manaement solution for a leading national banking institution
A legacy portfolio management system struggles with data, integration, and performance. The client sought a strategy and implementation team for integration, user experience, and backend re-engineering to retain and attract clients.
Simplified filing the retail tranche via wealth managers for IPOs and follow-on offerings: Digitized a phone-based process, enabling focus on relationship management. Client raised funds using v1 product
Analysis of advisor workflows, leading to a detail design and plan to implement OpenFin Workstation across multiple internal and external applications for a seamless advisor workflow.
For a major exchange, built a portfolio risk modeling and reporting platform enabling proprietary analytics to be run and reported on at scale in a fully customizable fashion.
Advised and performed key implementation work on the Openfin platform as part of the modernization of the advisor desktop at a top 5 US Bank.
A critical back office system for a major fund company was too time consuming, risking timely rebalancing and cash management operations. A redesign of the underlying workflows and user experience dramatically increased throughput of the same team.
A financial services firm that prides itself on the usability and functionality of its software was looking to update its platform and prepare for the next wave of AI and analytics technology. Expero delivered a modern and useful front-end design to augment and leverage the existing platform while reducing time to market and adding new cutting-edge features.
Our team unified data across multiple data sources, designed and implemented a more modern real-time fraud detection system within extisting technology stack for AML and Commercial First person Fraud business units.
Unifying data across commercial, retail and investment banking systems, produced an entitlements graph for real-time enterprise wide queries to power a wide range of digital experiences.
The client was utilizing a 14 year old software stack and was looking to both modernize and avoid customer churn. Their executive team were facing a fork in their product roadmap to revamp the entire platform or simply uplift smaller pieces. Satisfying multiple stakeholder needs and customer demands, we designed and built a product which streamlined usability while making it easier to drive additional transactions and revenue.
A well-funded cyber startup sought to disrupt the cyber and defense market with a complete detection, investigation, and prevention software platform.
Seeking to revolutionize how telcos design and provision mobile device plans, our client envisioned a groundbreaking new product. The product allows carriers to interact with real-time user data, create new plans, analyze plan performance, monitor customer behavior and adapt rapidly to shifting market demands. The client needed support in bringing this pioneering platform to life.
One of the largest Oil and Gas companies in the world sought to reduce human risk, increase safety, and maximize refinery uptime. Expero was engaged to create a comprehensive petroleum refining plant’s safety application using advanced AI/ML and graph algorithms to prevent incidents and save lives.
Expero built a fast and modern analytics, risk and C360 solution that integrated with the client's existing technology stack
A government assistance program was bogged down with legacy systems and inefficient processes, leaving caseworkers overburdened and funding at risk. Expero was brought in to reimagine the customer experience and end-to-end workflows and design an entirely new operating platform.
Let’s craft innovative, market-leading software to accelerate your business. Our software and data engineering teams are ready to solve your complex problems and help you grow.