Idea in Brief

The Problem

Despite a multitude of initiatives in cross-sector collaboration and open innovation aimed at generating innovative opportunities, businesses still struggle to bring to market game-changing ideas.

The Reason

Firms and innovators focus too much on facilitating the collision of ideas and talents without planning for the long term. But innovation is about more than generating ideas—it is a long, collaborative journey.

The Solution

Innovation is more likely to succeed when it is a curated process in which an intermediary takes responsibility for enabling and sustaining collaboration and connection among the parties involved.

Despite an avalanche of initiatives in cross-sector collaboration and open innovation, businesses still struggle to develop game-changing ideas and bring them to market. Many people argue that the problem is that we still don’t have enough new ideas, and we need to work harder at getting diverse people into the conversation. New, imaginative ideas wouldn’t hurt, of course, but that prescription misses an important truth: Successful innovation involves more than just letting a thousand ideas bloom.

A version of this article appeared in the March–April 2024 issue of Harvard Business Review.