Remember off-sites? Those once-a-year — maybe once-a-quarter — get togethers where we gathered for deep-dive strategy work, bonded on ropes courses, binged on professional development, and just hung out and got to know our colleagues and customers? While these gatherings used to be something to look forward to, these days, many employees don’t want to come into the office, let alone to an off-site.
In the Hybrid Era, On-Sites Are the New Off-Sites
Three strategies to make them worth people’s time.
January 06, 2022
If your goal is to bring people together in real life at work — sometimes, all the time, or anytime — you need to design a day employees won’t want to miss. At the very least, it’s critical to be intentional about how you plan your company’s days in the office, not only to add incentive, but also to make it worth your employees’ and your company’s time. The author recounts her experience working with a company to design in-person, monthly “Superdays” and presents three elements of a successful on-site.