Humanity has an urgent need to fight climate change, and businesses can play a key role in doing so. But we recognize that, in many businesses, resources are often allocated according to short-term, bottom-line pressures. We thus wanted to figure out a way to help executives quantify the financial benefits of reducing their firm’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
How to Quantify Sustainability’s Impact on Your Bottom Line
Humanity has an urgent need to fight climate change, and businesses can play a key role in doing so. But in many businesses, resources are allocated according to short-term, bottom-line pressures. Thus executives need a way to quantify the financial benefits of reducing their firm’s greenhouse gas emissions. A case study of Brazil’s beef industry shows how sustainable and deforestation-free practices can create significant financial benefits for all players in the value chain — benefits that can be measured and translated into dollars saved and earned. Specifically, the analysis found that the net benefits to ranchers ranged from 12% to 23% of revenues, the benefits to slaughterhouses were 0.01% to 0.1% of revenues, and the benefits to retailers were 0.01% to 0.7% of revenues. The case study demonstrates that measuring the value of sustainable business can be done, and that sustainable business itself can be cost-effective.