Idea in Brief

The Problem

The Covid-19 pandemic revealed major disparities in health around the world: Economically and socially marginalized groups have experienced higher rates of Covid-19 infections and mortality.

Who Should Produce Solutions

Many business leaders have assumed that governments and health systems are responsible for addressing health inequities, but employers can also play a major role and have compelling reasons to do so.

The Process

Build a business case for investments. Collect data to understand specific problems. Identify an initial population to focus on. Engage a broad group of stakeholders to design solutions. Measure progress. And commit to advancing health equity.

One of the starkest lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic has been the deep health inequities present in the United States and around the world. Nearly everywhere, groups that have been economically and socially marginalized experienced higher rates of Covid-19 and morbidity and mortality from infection. In the United States, before vaccines and effective treatments were widely available, Black and Latino people were three times more likely than white individuals to be infected with Covid-19 and twice as likely to die, according to a study in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

A version of this article appeared in the January–February 2023 issue of Harvard Business Review.