Idea in Brief

The Challenge

A high proportion of stakeholders—86% on the Edelman Trust Barometer—expect business leaders to take the lead on societal issues.

The Problem

The world’s most critical problems are complex, requiring leadership, resources, and skills beyond the capacity of any single organization, industry, or sector.

The Solution

High-impact coalitions are an underrecognized organizational form for addressing societal problems. They are voluntary and relationship-based, and connect otherwise disparate spheres of activity that bear on big problems by aligning powerful actors behind a purpose-driven mission.

If you ask CEOs what keeps them up at night, you find that their worries go well beyond staying ahead of the competition. Increasingly they worry about big systemic challenges and what they can do to help fix them. That’s because they’re keenly aware of people’s expectations: A high proportion of stakeholders—86% on the 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer—believe that business executives must play a lead role in tackling societal issues.

A version of this article appeared in the March–April 2022 issue of Harvard Business Review.